Voucher Details

Magnifique Romance


Overnight accommodation in a Luxury Room with internal water feature view, full breakfast for two at La Marée, one bottle of Perrier Jouet ...view more

General Terms & Conditions

Voucher is valid for 1 year (12 months)  from issue date and is not to be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions. This voucher is non-refundable and non-transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

This voucher does not apply to special events. Original voucher to be presented, no voucher re-issuance in case of loss or damage. Advance reservations are required, subject to availability. A credit card preauthorization or cash deposit will be required when you arrive at the hotel as a guarantee for any incidental charges consumed during your stay (applicable to accommodation certificates only). Sofitel Auckland Viaduct Harbour reserves the rights in explaining the terms & conditions of this voucher.

Magnifique Romance


Overnight accommodation in a Luxury Room with internal water feature view, full breakfast for two at La Marée, one bottle of Perrier Jouet ...view more

1956 in stock

Your personalised message will be seamlessly incorporated into your gift voucher.

General Terms & Conditions

Voucher is valid for 1 year (12 months) from issue date and is not to be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions. This voucher is non-refundable and non-transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

This voucher does not apply to special events. Original voucher to be presented, no voucher re-issuance in case of loss or damage. Advance reservations are required, subject to availability. A credit card preauthorization or cash deposit will be required when you arrive at the hotel as a guarantee for any incidental charges consumed during your stay (applicable to accommodation certificates only). Sofitel Auckland Viaduct Harbour reserves the rights in explaining the terms & conditions of this voucher.
